August 4, 1992 I received a letter from Dr. XX saying my son wants to meet me.
My journal says:
“I’m looking at the lat week in August to go back. I really want this to happen but I have to admit I am terrified. Jamie said he didn’t want phone contact, he wanted to meet me in person. As much as the bottom line is great, it worries me that he doesn’t seem to want contact. I sent a letter to Dr. XX saying YES I will fly back to meet Jamie…”
I was so worried that Jamie and I had no contact at all before me flying back to meet him. I asked Dr. XX to tell him that I wanted to talk to him on the phone, or write, before then because it may make it easier. I was worried about the pressure on my son.
My journal says I am working in the background to figure out where I can stay when I go to meet my son. My Aunt, my dear sweet Aunt, offered their apartment for me to stay in while they were away. It is about a 1/2 hour drive from where I will meet my son.
When I called my Aunt to confirm this — here is what is in my journal of our conversation:
“I called Aunty Fran to thank them and to talk to her about all the new of Jamie. I had a very strange mixed reaction when she said “I blame my sister for all of this”.
This made me defensive of my Mum saying she could not have forced the adoption without my Father’s ok, even IF it was her idea.
More later…