As much as finding out that I was pregnant at 17 (17 then is the 13 now — seriously!) I was never unhappy about it. Scared, sure, but never unhappy.
The birth-father. Ah yes well once the pregnancy was confirmed I got in touch with the birth-father. To be honest I really don’t remember his response. I guess that says a lot. Anyways, to say his parents were not happy would be an understatement. But they did agree that the families should get together to discuss the situation.
The birth-father’s family (Dad and step-mom) decided during the visit that their son was not ready for this kind of responsibility and neither was I so they said I should give up my child for adoption — to them. I couldn’t even understand what they were saying. It was so ‘out there’ to me. All I could comprehend was that they wanted my child and I said NO!
After that the birth-father was gone, out of my life, and his parents made sure that anything that was in his name (care, motorcycle, etc.) was transferred to their name. They now called me a ‘gold digger’ — that I got pregnant so I could get money from them.
I just turned my back on any help from him and started to look at how I could raise my child on my own.
I spoke to my Mum about wanting to keep my son (yes I always knew it was a boy). I had a job and confirmed I could go back to the job after the birth, it was just a matter of figuring out the in-between.
So I asked if I could stay with my parents until I could get back on my feet after the birth. They said of course I could.… Little did I know.