Did you watch the Oscars? If you are a birth mother I bet you know what I am going to write about.
Jared Leto’s speech was wonderful. His thanks to his Mum touched everyone’s heart. I applaud him for his wonderful words, and I applaud his Mum for her ability to raise him.
For many birth mothers out there hearing what he said hurt. Not the words he said, but the fact that they realize that their birth children will never say anything like that about them, publicly or privately.
Jared’s Mum was a single Mother who found herself pregnant. I of course do not know the circumstances his birth, or how his “high school dropout and a single mom’ who already had one son was able to keep him.
She was one of the lucky ones who managed to keep her child. So many of us were not.
So many birth mothers out there wish what happened to them didn’t.
So many birth mothers out there ache every day for their birth child.
It’s hard when you read things, or hear things, that bring up what happened to you, especially if your birth child was taken from you. But even birth mothers who made the choice to give up their child still hurt, especially if you were young and felt there was no other option.
To those birth mothers out there that felt the pain please know you are not alone.
Know there are others out there that can help, like me.
To Jared, and his Mum, please know what I am saying here has nothing to do with your wonderful life and the love you have for each other. I am thrilled it turned out so wonderful for both of you.
I am just a birth mother that wishes I never lost my birth son.